joining the healing circle
Joining an ongoing group can be a challenge so we have written this to help you understand on both a mental and feeling level.
We wear name tags so everyone can know everyone’s name. Know that some people are here for the 1st time, some for the 5th time and some have been coming for years. Some are well known to the group and some are not known at all. Yet each one of us is precious to the circle because together we create an opportunity to heal ourselves and others. We welcome you.
The group has no rules except for a promise to keep what you see and hear at CIRCLE private.
We ask that you trust your internal voice. Come as you wish, leave when you want. Speak up or be quiet. You are welcome to ask questions. It is all fine and appropriate. You are encouraged to ask for table work, to ask for help of any kind at any time. This is why we are all here. We know it can be uncomfortable to speak up, especially when you are new, but we are gathered here to help each other. So please, if you find you need, ask and we will respond. It is our honor, our blessing and our desire to do so. Also, you are always and forever welcome to assist any healing done at Circle.
There is a prayer basket where we add names of those we wish to receive prayers. This basket was created in 2006. Feel free to add a name whenever you wish.
The CIRCLE works spontaneously, in the moment, utilizing the non-manifest vibrations of each one of us. This transcends what the mind can conceive since it is collective eternal wisdom within each one of us that creates the healings. Often this is problematic for the mind because it cannot figure out what is going on. We have learned over time that quite often the mind just cannot grasp what the heart / soul knows. What to do? As best you can, drop the mind, go to your heart /soul and feel for the truth from there.
The commitment many of us have to CIRCLE is a direct result of improvement in our daily lives. Over time our lives have become easier, more fulfilling, with more contentment… so much so that now we have come to believe in what cannot be seen or explained. It is this substantial concretization of the work done in CIRCLE that keeps many of us here even though the mind is often discontent with the process. So if you find yourself confused, just know many of us do too.