Circle has put me in touch with what was missing in my life...ME. I am grateful for life now instead of just white knuckling my emotions. The safety, respect, love and caring i have witnessed and experienced within this healing circle, has improved my life and pointed me in healthy and joyful directions. I didn't even know i lived mostly in my head of ideas! I am so grateful to have found non-traditional support through this every other Tuesday circle, that addresses the heart, emotions, spirit, energy and matters of real life. -Lisa
A safe place where open-minded/open-hearted people gather to share and explore the imprints of their life experiences. As in an orchestra, each person, whether conductor or musician, contributes to bring a composition to life. Participants learn to notice the workings of the mind and thereby grow to live from the heart, to better understand themselves and allow a space for acceptance. No two Healing Circle sessions are alike. -C.P.
Healing Circle has brought new and amazing people into my life, that have helped me grow into a stronger woman. Where there is fear I have found strength, I have turned resentments into inner peace, and with chaos I am able to look inward to find calm. For this I am eternally grateful. -Kim