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Mediumship: Connecting to Loved Ones Once Again

Are you a fan of the Long Island Medium or the Hollywood Medium? Well even if you've never heard of them or are a skeptic, please consider joining us for this session of entertainment and inspiration.

The mediums Kim and Leslie communicate with those who have passed on, sharing messages from your loved ones and ancestors. This event is in a gallery format. There’s no guarantee you will receive a reading however the event, in and of itself, brings inspiration. The audience often feels such a strong sense of connection that creates comfort and healing.

The interpreters:
-Leslie Gabriele: founder of With Love and Gratitude
-Kimberley Dunsmore: a team member of With Love and Gratitude
-Moderator: Diana MacEacheron: a team member of With Love and Gratitude

With Love and Gratitude:
A team of dedicated light workers acting in unison for the sole purpose of uplifting the spirit

Free event: Please register for this event to receive the zoom link.:

This event is free. Registration is Required by June 2

to register for the ZOOM link go to:

Earlier Event: May 24
Guided Relaxations