Are you a fan of the Long Island Medium or the Hollywood Medium? Well even if you've never heard of them or are a skeptic, please consider joining us for this session of entertainment and inspiration.
The mediums Kim and Leslie communicate with the beyond, bringing messages from your loved ones and ancestors. It is an uplifting and heartwarming experience of love, remembrance and connection.
Kimberly Anderson is a practicing psychic/medium. She is able to expand the light and help others feel and embrace loving qualities.
Leslie Gabriele is an "energetic catalyst" who is guided in the moment without attachment. She is the founder of With Love and Gratitude
The Boylston library is sponsoring a series of With Love and Gratitude events
You need to sign up with the Library to get the ZOOM link the day of the event:
In order to register go to
a message appears confirming their registration and stating "You will receive an email invitation for this online class within 24 hours of the program."
For questions or problems contact Erica