Do you intuitively know that you are alive for a higher purpose, one that is directly related to awakening and transforming your own life and the lives of others by helping to raise the collective consciousness of human beings? If yes, this workshop is intended for you.
In this atmosphere of political intrigue, discord and disruption it is essential that as light workers we honor our purpose. Regardless of the political environment, the dogmatic chaos, partisan conflict and divisive shenanigans, our mission does not, cannot, waiver.
The focus of this class is to empower us to fulfill our duty as light workers to the highest degree possible. We will learn and experience specific techniques that will:
neutralize the effects of other people’s partialities and biases (political and otherwise)
defuse antagonistic mass media programming
reinforce our commitment to holding the light and heal through intention and action
enter greater states of equilibrium despite our current environment of political hostility
increase our ability to hold the highest vibrations regardless of increasing negativity
remove any charge to an ever-increasing climate of opposition
Who will benefit from this workshop? Anyone who wishes to continually manifest light worker ideals regardless of anyone’s political stance, turbulent current affairs or antagonistic mass media messages.