Joel Kaplan, NDE and Leslie Gabriele, catalyst
With Love and Gratitude's Leslie Gabriele joins together with Joel Kaplan, working synergistically, their energies complementing each other, joining together for the purpose of healing, harmonizing and balancing all of us.
Joel Kaplan: died in a car crash after having a heart attack. He was brought back to life with a defibrillator machine after being shocked seven times – the procedure prior to this was only shocking a person three times. He became a national case study and changed the life-saving procedure in using defibrillator machines across the United States.
After his Near-Death Experience, Joel returned with gifts the gift of clairaudience and telepathy to be used only in a positive manner. Joel is now able to look at an individual and see very clearly into their reality. Internationally recognized as a medical intuitive, clairvoyant and healer, Joel works all over the world assisting individuals to grow and become more of who they truly are. His deep desire is to serve all others at their highest level for their highest good.
The audience often finds themselves unable to mentally justify what they see with their very own eyes. However, the heart knows what the mind cannot understand and a transcending of our cognitive nature occurs as simultaneously a sense of well-being grows.
$5 event fee paid at the door . Donations accepted at the door for the Manchester Animal Shelter. See wish list :: Cat Supplies:Non-clumping litter, Catnip,Fuzzy, mice toys, Dry cat food bags (Any Brand 5, 10 or 15 lb. bags),
20 Person Limit! Attendees must register in advance.
To reserve your seat email