A class to cleanse & balance the Heart Chakra to activate self-compassion and magnify compassion for others
Our afternoon together:
· Embrace the intention to magnify compassion for yourself and others
· Purify your aura and open your heart chakra
· Channeled messages from Quan Yin open the spiritual door for us to step through and open ourselves to receive compassion teachings.
· Guided meditation cleanses and activates each of the 7 major chakras to support this heart-centered teaching.
· Experiential activities galvanize the chakras and anchor the teachings into your heart.
· Personal readings from the angelic realm align you to and deepen self-compassion.
· Specific compassion frequency energies will be directed to laser charge the object you have brought enabling you to return home with a “tool” to anchor the day’s learning and use moving forward.
Participants are asked to bring the following:
an object, such as a crystal or small statue to be charged with healing frequencies
journal/paper and pen
· Cost: free
· Reservations please email leslie@withloveandgratitude.com, thank you